Wednesday, October 17, 2007

earth and heaven

When Jesus was explaining to Nicodemus how a person can be "born again", not by physical means but by spiritual, He used a wonderful analogy to the wind.  He said that when the wind blows we can hear it and see the effects of it but we can't tell where it came from or where it's going (from John 3:8).  As human beings we want to fully understand exactly how, when, where and why important things happen.  We want to know where important things come from.  Science continually probes to understand the origin of all manner of plant and animal life (from a natural point of view).  But Jesus reminds us that there is a spiritual reality that transcends our present natural world and our life in the flesh.  There are wonderful truths that are to be believed even if they can't fully be comprehended, no matter how intelligent we might be (I'm sure Nicodemus was quite bright).  When we feel the brush of the spiritual wind in our heart that reveals the truth about Jesus and His love for us personally, we are challenged to open up to receive Him without fully understanding.  In verse 12, Jesus explains that He tells about spiritual things using earthly illustrations...imagine how hard it would be to really explain the wonder of the spiritual truths of heaven.  I don't think we could begin to grasp heavenly realities.  Aren't you glad that God's heavenly wind has blown to earth's shores!
Rob Smith

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