Sunday, August 10, 2008

the sky

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
The last several mornings (and evenings) we have had beautiful weather and amazing skies to gaze upon.  The sun has been shooting shafts of light through bouquet arrangements of clouds and a surprising range of colors has been on display.  I was struck with the many personalities of the sky...ranging from somber shrouds of gray through angry thunderheads of black to cloudless blue that wallpapers the black of space with beauty.  In a sense the sky is a painting that God is reworking each day.  With the dawn He makes a statement: "I believe I'll do this once more" and He creates 24 hours of new experience as if it were the very first day.  You might say that the sky represents one of those phenomena where we meet the Lord.  We even call the skies the heavens and it seems to be a place where earthly life and heavenly life join.  Our own moods can be greatly affected by the sky we are under.  After three days of gray skies I am always ready to see the sun!  The scripture above reminds me that in a very literal sense, one day, believers will join the Lord in the midst of the clouds to join Him forever.  Maybe that's one reason He keeps changing the picture we see above we'll keep looking up!
blessings (and best wishes for Ginny in Hendersonville for a gorgeous sky today!),
Rob Smith

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