Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Interstate Jesus

Yesterday I described the interstate highway near my house.  I took another look this morning, from beneath the bridge that forms the overpass nearby.  When you drive over this very short stretch of the highway you probably don't even notice that you are on a bridge...it probably only takes a second or two to cross at highway speed.  But looking at the highway from beneath you get a different picture of the work required to build the bridge to form the highway above.  Massive concrete pillars and beams had been installed to hold up a section of steel bridge that stretches about 100 feet long.  Before the pillars could be installed a lot of earth-moving had taken place to create the proper slopes and drain paths for water flowing off the highway.  Altogether, I'm sure that thousands of manhours went into the design and construction of a bridge that few, if any, notice when traveling above.  It made me think of the work the Lord has done to build the bridge to life in Jesus.  We travel that road because of the great work done to make crooked places straight and build the dependable foundations of our faith...and because of the obedience and faithfulness of our Savior.  Because He laid the groundwork, I travel the road that is Jesus, in peace.

Isaiah 35:8 A highway shall be there, and a road,
      And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness.
      The unclean shall not pass over it,
      But it shall be for others.
      Whoever walks the road, although a fool,
      Shall not go astray.

Rob Smith

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