Monday, November 23, 2009

If you only knew...

John, Chapter 4 recounts the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at a well.  She has gone to draw water and this was probably part of her daily routine.  She was not expecting to meet the Lord that day.  Jesus surprised her by asking for some of her water.  He broke into her routine and got her attention.  When she was curious why He would even talk to her (as Jews typically had nothing to do with Samaritans), He said to her, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who I am, you would ask me, and I would give you living water."   Many of us have come to know this great gift and the One who gives it, yet we often forget and return to our routines...going to the well each day with our buckets...but failing to spend time with the one who provides Living Water.  I don't know why it is that we have such short spiritual memories, but I do know that when we take time to set our buckets down and listen to Jesus our hearts naturally turn to worship and we find, like the Samaritan woman, that there is one who knows us and loves us despite our faults.
Rob Smith

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