Monday, December 14, 2009


This is a foggy morning.  I went down to the pond where I meet with God each morning and enjoyed a good time with a breakfast of Proverbs, Psalms and the book of John.  But as the morning light began to filter through the trees around me and I looked over the pond I considered how fog and heavy mist makes visibility difficult.  The usual crisp scene of water, trees and sky was dulled like some kind of impressionistic painting.  Things were unclear.  Fortunately I was so familiar with the winding road to and from the pond that despite the fog I could anticipate the bends and turns as the headlights led my truck there and back.  It occurred to me that life can be like a fog sometimes and the things that usually are clear can lose their definition.  Yesterday we learned that a good friend from church had tragically died while on a trip abroad.  He was one of the most dynamic, life-filled people I've known, with a fervent and active faith in our Lord.  He leaves a wife and children who are just emerging into young adulthood.  This is a foggy happening.  It has no definition and It is hard for us to see clearly right now.  The sharp edges of life's routine have become fuzzy and our thoughts have nowhere to go but to God.  It seems that this fog is making some things much clearer...things that we talk about a lot as Christians like, eternal life, Heaven, God's sovereignty in our lives and over every dimension of living.  The fog makes it difficult to see around us but is causing us to look within and to look up and we are confident that the sun is near and the fog will lift!
1 Corinthians 13:12We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!
blessings and tender thoughts for Wendy and the kids,
Rob Smith

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