Monday, January 11, 2010

honest humility

Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
The proud and the humble...this is another theme of the book of Proverbs.  Our natural tendency leans toward pride, apparently.  We tend to think that "I can do it"..."I did it"...when things are going well and "I didn't do it"..."I couldn't have done that" when things didn't go so well.  We are our own biggest fans and supporters.  This is the problem of pride.  It gets too much "I" into the picture.  The other side of the coin appears to be "humility".  One definition of pride suggests that it means to be 'puffed up' or inflated with our own hot air.  To be humble seems just the allow yourself to be deflated so that you can ride on another's wind.  I suppose we need to let the Lord to be the air that fills us and the air that carries us.  When we blow up our own balloons they tend to overinflate and pop!
Rob Smith

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