Friday, February 12, 2010

two horizons

As I read through Proverbs one of the themes that runs through this book of wisdom is: the Wicked and the Righteous.  I was reading Proverbs chapter 11 yesterday and a few verses especially made an impression:
Verse 4: Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
Verse 7: When a wicked man dies, his expectation will perish, And the hope of a strong man perishes.
There are, apparently, two horizons that we can fix our eyes on as we live out our days.  I think that those who have truly discovered that there is an eternal horizon that goes beyond our natural lives are more likely to live well and live wisely while still here in the flesh.  Those who, either do not want to face the possibility of eternity or choose to ignore it are more likely to be unhappy while living out there days on earth's surface.   We spend a lot of time and energy chasing riches and strength because there are certain expectations that go with them, but as the proverb points out....whatever those expectations are they generally end with our death and they certainly can't buy favor from God.  There is another view of life that has considered and incorporated the Lord even during this life by trusting in the work and life of God's Son.  Not that we are righteous in ourselves...but in leaning on His righteousness we are confident that our goals do not end with our physical death...instead we are delivered from death to life.  In a sense there are two horizons that we can base our lives on: our brief physical life on planet earth or the eternity of living that lies beyond our brief stay on the planet.  Our choice of horizons says a lot about our quality of life and the nature of our character.
Rob Smith

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