Monday, June 28, 2010

walking openly in the garden

Do you remember the story of Adam and Eve and how, after they disobeyed God, they tried to hide from Him in the forest?  I'm not sure what they were thinking!  Having know God face to face did they really think they could hide from Him?  This morning, as I walked under a bright early summer morning sky, I realized that we are still living in the garden.  We are surrounded by God's handiwork.  Here in Virginia the mature pine and hardwood tries tower over us and the colors of summer blossoms from crape myrtles brighten the scene all around.  As I walked I realized that I do not want to hide from God.  In fact, I want to feel His presence and enjoy His company.  It occurrred to me that, because of the price Jesus has paid, I can come out of hiding and, once again, walk openly in the garden with our Lord.  I think we hide in many ways from Him.  We allow our personal busy lives to crowd Him out.  We place our personal and self-centered interests and thoughts ahead of Him.  We allow disobedience and sin to separate us from His company.  It struck me that I often think about what Heaven will be like and I reflect on living eternally in the brightness of God, but I may not be enjoying His company here, nearly as much as I could.  As much as we value our eternal lives in Heaven, I believe the God of Heaven longs to live in the midst of his Creation.  In Psalm 132 the thought is expressed this way: (verses 13-14) For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation.  This is my resting place for ever;  here I will dwell, for I have desired it.  There are many purposes and plans for us in this life.  Surely one of the highest privileges we have is to come out of the woods and walk through this garden openly with our God.
Rob Smith

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