Wednesday, December 22, 2010

thinking ahead about looking back

I am spending some time with the Apostle John...reading his first letter (First John...toward the end of the Bible).  He says a lot about abiding in the Lord and showing our love for Him through our love for others.  One verse that stood out this morning was from chapter 2, verse 28, "Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming."  I thought about that time, coming up in the future, when I will be face to face with Jesus.  I realized that there will be an instant reaction the first time I am directly in His presence.  That reaction will either be one of unqualified joy or I may find myself shrinking away in shame.   It seems that the quality of the reaction I have in that moment will be the direct result of how I've lived out my life, after having trusted in Jesus for salvation.   Ever since I asked for His forgiveness and opened my heart's door, He has lived within.  Yet, I have had freedom to choose whether I will also abide in Him and live for Him.   I decided to picture that moment of "first encounter" when I am face to face with Jesus like a runner views his coach waiting just past the finish line of a great race.  I am in the middle of the race now and I can choose how I run, where I run, and why I run.  When I am with Him, the running will be over and I will instantly be aware of the quality of the race I've run.  I need to think ahead about looking back at the race.  Now is the time when I can enjoy His company in preference to the company of "other things".  Now is the time when I can live for others more than I live for myself.  The race is I need to be on the track.  I want to experience unqualified joy when I see Jesus.

blessings (see you on the track...Jesus is watching...Jesus is also abiding within!),
Rob Smith

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