Saturday, January 15, 2011


I'd been struggling with a certain sadness that I didn't understand....just one of those moods that comes from an uncertain source and leaves you feeling incomplete and just a little down.  So I got in my truck and drove down to the pond this morning and looked out over the familiar surface, now half covered with a thin plate of ice.  Opening the windows of the truck I heard the faint sound of birds and felt the fresh air on my face.  I spoke with the Lord and asked to feel His presence.  I was overwhelmed with the thought of how present He was, as I purposely became very still.  Gradually, over the next several minutes I felt washed and refreshed and I realized it was because I had left the baggage of my mood behind and allowed Him to wash over me.   The word "awareness" jumped into my mind and I considered that the reality of God isn't so much the issue as our awareness of His presence...His personal reality in our personal lives.  He really loves us and His peace is one that we cannot achieve or manufacture on our own.   As I drove up the winding hill from the pond I considered the tall trees that lined the road.  Their great height and canopied branches reinforced the sense of His protection and His towering presence.
Psalm 91:  He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
         Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Rob Smith

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