Thursday, January 27, 2011

His body

We focus on the body of Christ as the wonderful story traces Him through the dry roads and over the waters of Israel.  We trace the drama and miracles of His ministry, His cruel and unjust punishment and His broken form nailed to the Cross.  His body is the central character in the resurrection because it was missing from the tomb on the third day following His death.  His body was resurrected..raised to life again..and reappeared among His Disciples.  Forty days after reappearing, His body was taken up into the clouds and we await His return.  It is fascinating that the Church...the collection of people who have been called and have responded by putting the weight of their trust in Him...are also called His body...
Ephesians 1:22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

I don't really understand how we, as the Church, can be Christ's body but I like one of Webster's Unabridged dictionary definitions:
"the Christian church conceived as a mystical living being of which Christ is the head."

So, Jesus Christ lived among us...died among us...was raised while among us and restored to a new body.  He ascended to Heaven...but He remains with us.  None of us is Christ but together we are a unique body through which He moves, touches, speaks and displays His life.  When the enemy of Christ thought he had dispatched Him, the Lord triumphed by ultimately filling the world with His presence...His body on earth lives in and through the Church.
You are the Church and part of His body, if you have believed that Jesus has died for you...been raised for you and now lives in and through you!
blessings (may His body continue to grow),
Rob Smith

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