Thursday, October 20, 2011

touched by a moon shadow

Walking down the gravel and dirt path this morning I was surrounded by darkness but touched by moon reflections that cast my shadow on the road.  The moon became my walking companion.  I considered how the moon above the trees caught the light of the sun while the sun was below the horizon and reflected that light to touch me.  I realized that, in a similar way, God touches me directly at all times.  Whether I walk in the day or at night the light of God's direct touch reaches me.  And I thought of how we, who love the Lord, can also reflect His light to others.  Like little moons, we can reflect brightly, as a full moon, or a slivery crescent...or not at a new moon.  Of course the moon's reflection can be blocked by overcast skies and our reflection can face similar cloudy conditions during difficult days.  In fact, the sun is such a dominant presence when it shows up that it tends to take over the entire light show and we can forget about this great source of light.  Of course, we forget God and His presence as the Source of Light, as well.  Perhaps that is why He gave us the moon, as a reminder that there is light from Him even when we are wrapped in the velvet of night.  At those times His presence seems even more intimate!

Psalm 8:3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
         The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
 4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
         And the son of man that You visit him?

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