Sunday, January 8, 2012


I don't know what draws me so often to the local pond (Richardson's Mill Pond).  It is an unremarkable little squiggle of water.  But it is nestled in a forest and surrounded by ravines and hills and when you come upon the pond you find three things: perfect reflections, perfect levels and perfect peace.  These three qualities serve in contrast to the rugged surroundings and with the turmoil within the heart.  The mirror-like surface is perfectly smooth and shows the sky even when looking down.  The pond is one place where a true level horizon is found and there are few trustworthy measures in nature like that.  The open area of the pond is an amphitheater for bird calls, turtle heads and flying heron and forms a sanctuary of peace for all living things.  And so, when I go to the pond, I am in a place that is conducive to consider the perfection and peace of knowing God...and in that place I see His reflection, feel His trustworthy truths and express an open heart of worship.   Reflections that realign and restore...something to!

Mark 2:13 Then Jesus went out to the lakeshore again and taught the crowds that were coming to him.

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