Tuesday, January 29, 2013

overwhelming majority

The sound of drums and stirring fiddles filled my headphones this morning as I exercised.  I felt inspired!  It made me reflect on the power and invigorating presence of the Lord in our lives.  Reflecting on the music, I realized that we who know and love the Lord are part of an overwhelming majority that worships Him.  When you expand your vision to include the heavenly dimension and consider the vast hosts of angels around the mighty throne, where God the Father and His Son reign you realize that we are a small part of a vast assembly that adores our Maker and Redeemer.  It doesn't always "feel" like the vast majority that it is because we live out our days in a place where God's enemy has a measure of control.  But his control is limited...and as we align with the Heavenly majority we overcome Satan.  The enemy would like for us to feel we are in the minority and to hide our conviction and compromise our values.  But we stand with the great One alongside the majority of the host of Heaven.  Even Jesus was rejected by most when He appeared the first time.  We should not be surprised by the tactics of the enemy and we do need the fellowship and encouragement of other believers and to be reminded that we stand with the majority as we walk in faith today.

Psalm 46:
The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge.

Rob Smith

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