Monday, January 28, 2013

the place between

My friend Joe has had an impossibly tough 12 months.  One year ago he had surgery to remove cancer from his midsection.  He spent several months in intensive care afterwards to deal with a host of life threatening complications.  Just as he was beginning to regain some strength he got the word that the cancer had returned and was inoperable.  Now he is in hospice and is not expected to leave before his transition to Heaven.  Joe has been in "the place between" for a year now.  For a year he has been powerless to do almost anything...even simple things like walking or driving.  Now he is at the point where, barring a miracle, he will not return to earthly life.  Joe knows and loves the Lord with all his heart.  Raised in a youth home for much of his childhood, Joe carries a grateful and generous heart and has spent his life in Christ reflecting joy and sharing his musical talents with voice and guitar with many...from those in nursing homes to our small group.  Joe was our Small Group Leader and shared his infectious curiosity in the Lord and his Cajun humor with his love for the study of God and His Word.  But now he is in "the place between".  He is in the place where, once he copes with the pain of illness, he can catch a glimpse of the One who carries His spirit and is preparing the way for his eternal home.  He is being carried to a place which is beyond recovery and surpasses health.  He may not get well again physically, but...He will be complete.  Joe's life reminds me that I am also in "the place between" and it is the Lord who carries me, whether well or unwell, all my days.

Ephesians 1:23 And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.

blessings, with love for Joe,
Rob Smith

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