Saturday, January 19, 2013

with every step

My routine most mornings now is to exercise first thing and then spend some time with these thoughts.  I have an "Elliptical" exercise machine that works the arms and legs at the same time (arms and legs go back and forth, moving through resistance).  I really like the Elliptical machine.  It is convenient...I can stay warm and dry inside...and I can really work up a sweat in a half hour program.  I can also listen to music on a headset.  But one of the reasons I like the Elliptical machine is that it provides built in encouragement with every step I take.  That's because there is a heavy wheel built into the machine that builds momentum with every step and then carries that momentum over to assist with the next step.  I get a "boost" from the energy that my previous step has imparted to the wheel.  It's almost like having a training partner to work with.  (I also have a stationary bicycle that has a similar heavy wheel)  I thought about the close presence of the Lord in my life and how, with every step, He is that close to encourage me.  He doesn't store up my energy to provide the assist...He provides His own thoughts, encouragement and actual presence.  Exercise goes better with a boost....and so does daily living!

Isaiah 43:
When you go through deep waters,
    I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
    you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
    you will not be burned up;
    the flames will not consume you.

Rob Smith

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