Friday, March 8, 2013

senseless senses

Genesis 3:6b She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it.

When Eve put her physical senses before her spiritual needs she fell head over heels into the wrong choice.  She had listened to the voice of the serpent, which was so close to her and she was attracted to the idea of having the wisdom of God, who was the wisest being in her knowledge.  Her final check before deciding to disobey was a physical one: how did this choice appear to her personal senses.  She was about to plunge into the unknown so what kind of indications were her five senses giving her:  well the tree was beautiful to look at and the fruit was very appealing as well.  Her final critieria for choice was herself...her own senses...her own limited ability to judge.  Satan succeeded before Eve had eaten of the fruit when he caused her to rely on her own judgement rather than the very wise God she sought to emulate.  Sin separates even before the choice is acted reflects the separation from listening to the God who is greater than our personal sense or senses.  It starts by convincing us we only need self.

Rob Smith

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