Monday, July 28, 2014

pictures and visions

My Mom is clearing out her house and getting ready to put it on the market. She gave me several boxes of photographic slides of family times from years ago. At some point we need to go through the slides and transfer some to dvd's for a more permanent and convenient record. I thought about the nostalgic benefit of that bring back memories of family love and growing up. There really is a great purpose in connecting with the past like that. Then I thought of our need for a different kind of picture...we also need "visions" or pictures of what can be as we move forward. We need some kind of vision of Heaven and some kind of vision of what life can be like, at its best, while we are here. There is great benefit in the pictures of the past that stir thankful hearts and pictures of the future that inspire us to action. One builds a foundation and the other provides the plans to build on! Such pictures may have helped the Apostle Paul make statements like the following quote from Philippians:
Philippians 3:14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Rob Smith

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