Wednesday, February 4, 2015

escape velocity

Escape velocity is the speed at which a rocket ship can break free of earth's gravitational pull.  For a rocket to escape earth, it takes a speed of about 25,000 miles per hour.  Smaller planets take less speed and larger planets more speed.  To escape the pull of the Moon it only takes 5,300 mph.  To break free from Jupiter, however, would require 133,000 miles per hour! (Don't even ask about the sun!)
In a sense we need to achieve escape velocity in a spiritual sense to break free from the "gravitational" pull of sin.  Just as the rocket ship is still a product of earth, we are also a product of earth.  The reality of sin is one we can never entirely escape while we are in this life.  But, perhaps, we can break free of the dominant grip of sin as it influences our minds and hearts.  Through faith in Jesus, and His work of death and crown of resurrection, we can escape the grip of sin for eternity and through daily intake of His word and conversation with the Father we can develop the spiritual velocity that allows us to escape sin's grip on daily living.
You have probably seen the gorgeous pictures taken of Earth from space.  When you achieve escape velocity all of life takes on fresh perspective.  You begin to get the "long view" that is needed to make Earth a little smaller and the eternal universe much larger.
We need "Escape Velocity" to find Eternal Life!
2 Peter 1:4 And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises.  These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires.
Rob Smith

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